Even though they were developed in Australia, Vivente World Randonneurs are world bikes. The time put into them, along with every component, is from around the world. So, it is fitting, then, that you can buy Vivente Bikes from anywhere around the world.
Buy Vivente Bikes In Australia
In Australia there is a network of bike shops that have been involved in the evolution of Vivente World Randonneur and know them well.
Buy Vivente Bikes In New Zealand
If you order online into New Zealand there will be no import duty but there will be 15% GST which you will typically pay to the carrier prior to delivery.
Use this calculator on calculatorsaustralia.com.au for more information about New Zealand GST.
The carrier may charge a small fee for this service but the actual door-to-door air-freight cost of AU$500 is charged on the invoice for the bike. Upon arrival, GST is not charged on the air-freight cost.
For export out of Australia
Around the World
Can’t find a Vivente Bikes reseller near you? Or maybe you’re travelling and you need a bike delivered to you in that you can assemble yourself. Either way you can try our online store.
We have worked tirelessly to ensure Vivente touring bikes can be easily shipped anywhere in the world. We have included everything necessary in the carton so that you can put the bike together yourself. Each touring bike comes with pre-assembled parts, pedals, lighting and disc brakes. If you would like some help deciding which model, size and frame type is right for you please contact us.
For export out of Australia