The Road to Development: France

Noel has been riding around the world, testing parts and making changes for over 40 years. Read about his travels in France below.

  • Roadside Cherries – Belgium to Spain Through Western France

    Riding a Swabia with drop bars, I went from Lille to San Sebastion through France during election season and ate cherries on the side of the road.

  • Discovering Rail Trails in Western Europe

    Riding from Amsterdam to Bodensee in Southern Germany. This tour crosses Netherlands, Belgium, France, Luxemburg and Germany. I have put… Read More »Discovering Rail Trails in Western Europe

  • Brussel Sprouts Near Brussels!

    A ride from across France and Belgium to Dusseldorf. After attending Eurobike I caught the train to Basel. On the… Read More »Brussel Sprouts Near Brussels!

  • A Ride in France and Spain

    A ride from Nice to Cordoba through inland Spain. Ready to ride out from my Sydney abode I am travelling… Read More »A Ride in France and Spain

  • Packing a Bike with Balloons in Switzerland and France

    A ride from Zurich south west trough Switzerland to Geneva and then down to the Med trough Grenoble and Provence… Read More »Packing a Bike with Balloons in Switzerland and France