A Ride From Zurich Airport to Romanshorn

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A ride from Zurich airport to Romanshorn, the Swiss port on Bodensee where the ferry departs for the German side and Friedrichshafen where Eurobike is held.

Being from Australia I instinctively use the roads, and the signs on the roads, to work out which way to go. But here there are no cyclists mixing it with the cars and there is a maze of bike routes. Will I go on the car-roads and follow their signs or only follow the bike signs?

It is all very pretty in Switzerland.

Continuing to be pretty.

Now it is beyond pretty. Glad I don’t have to climb that!

I ride back to Zurich taking a different but also pretty route. It is my last tour on the Mongoose and alloy frame version of the Randonneur that began as a steel Gemini Randonneur in 1981.

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