A ride across Argentina starting at Mendoza and heading East. Josh is going to be an exchange student here for a year so we thought we’d get acquainted with the country through a bike ride.

Western Argentina is very dry but rivers coming from the snow melting in the Andes have allowed irrigation to exist for centuries.

We are running South and the Andes are 80km to the west. They are massive.

On the Cuyo. The Andes are 125km away but dominate the scenery.

In Alto Pencoso. The boy has his bike pump attached to his back wheel.

Road to San Luis. We became seriously dehydrated on this stretch and even drank out of a cattle trough.

Rio Cuarto bike shop visit.

There are some nasty headwinds in these parts. Today it was full-on headwind for hours and then a storm came through and we had a massive tailwind.

In Rio Cuarto Josh and a radio interviewer try to understand each other.

One of the great benefits of touring with a trailer is that you can haul bike boxes.

Buenos Aires is an impressive city.

We are reunited with a dear friend in Salto.

The boxes are too short and too low but we came through with no damage.