The Tasmanian Trail crosses Tasmania Nth to Sth or vice versa. We (Chris from Omafiets in Sydney and Noel from Vivente Bikes) are starting in the south. The Tassie Trail is for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. It is March 2016 and after a typically dry summer so we are expecting good conditions.

We just follow these signs.

Climbing up the Wellington Range turns out to be very rocky. Fat tyres would be unlikely to help here.

Chris is getting way ahead in this muddy section, He has 1.75” Schwalbe Smart Sams and I’m struggling in these conditions with Marathon 35s.

Chris is using the bikepacking (no rear panniers) set-up.

We get out of the mud and into sheep country. You need to register to be able to use this trail. You rent a key that gives you access through some big farms and conservation parks.

There is nothing better than a tree of ripe peaches on the roadside when you are nearing the end of a long day.

Hops at Bushy Park. Ironically our night in the shed at the Bushy Park Showground coincides with the start of the hops harvest. This meant that all night tractors were buzzing around, working 24/7.

The surfaces are really variable. On some, the narrower tyres are great. Although tight corners on downhill runs in gravel like this force the narrow tyre bike to slow down whereas the 1.75 tyres handle corners at speed.

The bush is so peaceful and beautiful.

As soon as an echidna sees or hears you it does not scurry away. It turns itself into this prickly ball.

We meet the occasional cyclist heading south on the trail. This woman is Canadian and we meet up on one of the brief bits of tar.

Tasmania has a big hydroelectric scheme. Some of the infrastructure is in remote places resulting in some better riding conditions in otherwise unsettled country.

You’ll see a lot of wildlife on the Tasmanian Trail. This is a blotched blue-tongued lizard or blue-tongued skink.

The Miena Hotel looks pretty nice. Rain is predicted so we book in for two nights and get a needed rest day plus several meals. And internet!

More fruit. It is really late for plums but these ones waited just for us.

Relics. This old tree still has the hole that a plank was once held in so an axeman could stand on it (on the plank) and cut the tree down.

Chris is keeping the records up to date. The books ask for names, dates, mode and direction of travel and comments.

Many Rivers to Cross

The final Mersey crossing in the Gog Ranges. It has been a great trail ride and is highly recommended.